Visualizing indirect correlations when predicting fatty acid composition from near infrared spectroscopy measurements

  • C. E. Eskildsen
  • T. Næs
  • J. P. Wold
  • N. K. Afseth
  • S. B. Engelsen
Nofima, Norwegian Institute for Food and Fisheries Research, NO-1433 Ås, Norway

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Nofima, Norwegian Institute for Food and Fisheries Research, NO-1433 Ås, Norway

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Nofima, Norwegian Institute for Food and Fisheries Research, NO-1433 Ås, Norway

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Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, DK-1958 Frederiksberg, Denmark

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Nofima, Norwegian Institute for Food and Fisheries Research, NO-1433 Ås, Norway
[email protected]
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In recent years, vibrational spectroscopy has been used to predict detailed sample composition like protein and fatty acid profiles. This study shows that fatty acid predictions from near infrared measurements in food stuffs rely on covariance structures amongst the fatty acids. These covariance structures, in turn, vary with factors like breed, age, feed, season etc. and therefore they are not likely to remain constant. Consequently, the robustness and validity of the developed calibration models will be compromised.




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