Accelerate publication with JSI Letters

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JSI—Journal of Spectral Imaging Letters offer extremely fast publication whilst retaining thorough peer review

  1. JSI Letters can either express the view of the author on a particular aspect of spectral imaging that they wish to comment on, or can very briefly report an interesting aspect of the author’s work: perhaps details of a chemometric routine or a sampling procedure. The conclusions should represent a significant advance in the understanding of an important issue and carry major implication for spectral imaging as a discipline.
  2. JSI Letters must be no more than four journal pages in length.
  3. JSI Letters have an Abstract, which is a summary designed both to reach readers outside of the specific area of spectral imaging in question and to convey the main findings of the research. 
  4. JSI Letters have up to 10 Keywords to facilitate indexing.
  5. JSI Letters are normally reviewed by one of the Editors.
  6. Authors are expected to submit revised manuscripts within 48 hours of receiving the referees’ reports.
  7. JSI Letters are published within three weeks of submission, subject to satisfactory review.
  8. Given the accelerated treatment accorded to Letters, it is particularly important that they are written to a standard of English to allow rapid refereeing.

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